How LazyEye Works

Drive Thru / Walk Up

Order Breakfast and Coffee

Have a KickA** Day!
Do You Struggle Getting The Day Started?
Are you not a morning person?
Run out of time to make coffee or breakfast?
Do you ever sleep past your alarm?
Do you need something to kickstart your day?
Do you dread your trip to Costco?
Do you have to take the kids to school?
Worried about leaving late and sitting in traffic?
Is it time to become a morning person?
The LazyEye Gurantee
Here at Lazy Eye we know what it’s like to need help getting started in the morning. We don’t always have time to prepare breakfast, wake up on the first alarm, or remember to set the morning coffee. We understand that mornings can have traffic, or you can be late to leave the house and feel rushed.
It’s the LazyEye Guarantee that we can get you that coffee you need to kickstart your morning. We carry Verve coffee. We take breakfast very seriously and understand that without it, mornings aren’t complete.
We know that coffee is more than just a quick fix to get you through the day. Coffee is how you want to start each day of vacation or just enjoy a nice day off. We love spending the day at the beach and going on weekend road trips. That’s why you can find us in Mission Beach next to the water, and you can find us right off the 5 freeway on Morena Blvd.
Have a Better Morning
Know that no matter how busy you are and how little time you have to give back, at least the cup of coffee you purchase is dedicated to improving the lives of smallholder farmers, combating climate change, and preserving diminishing heirloom coffee varietals.
When we support small businesses, we preserve the individualism of our communities, making your life more unique. We vote with our dollars; how will you show your neighborhood pride?
You don’t have to be perfect every day (And why would you want to)? Give yourself a break and let us be here for you seven days a week for those times when you have more important things to do than meal prep and brew.
Never shop hungry or tired and lacking patience. We are a quick stop off Morena Blvd. as you head to Costco for your weekly stock up and fuel up the trip. When you arrive home without an extra bulk box of ice cream bars and family size bag of chips, you’ll understand how we can help.
Ethically Sourced
Eat and drink to a heathier conscious
Community Driven
Taking care of you and your neighbors
destination location
Kickoff your vacation at our new location on the Mission Beach Boardwalk
Next To Costco in BayHo
Giving you the confidence and energy to get sh*t done
How to Find LazyEye
Monday - Friday 6:00am - 12:00 pm
Saturday 7:00 am - 12:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Lazy Eye Coffee Instagram
LazyEye & Verve Coffee

Energizing Mornings one order at a time
Why Verve? Lazy Eye Coffee partners with Verve Coffee Roasters for one MAJOR reason: Verve cares.
Verve has integrity in how they treat people and how they treat coffee every step of the way from the farmlevel to street level. This not only improves the quality of life for the people who work and partner with Verve but also produces an exceptional cup of coffee.
“The Farmlevel initiative is our commitment to ethics and excellence from A to Z in our involvement in the coffee supply chain. It’s taking a stand for environmental stewardship, quality, and relationships” – Vervecoffee.com