Lazy Eye Story

Lazy Eye Coffee is the result of years of exploring a passion for being present in the moment while drinking delicious coffee. Ashley, the founder, worked in coffee shops during college and found it was a fulfilling way of life. She thrived in the beauty of the day to day conversations and developed a community in each café she worked.
Clients turned into friendships, and those friendships turned into support systems that have graciously provided the tools from mentorships to education to design, bringing all the pieces of Lazy Eye together. What has brought this passion project to fruition has been founded upon the phenomenal relationships developed in this experience. It is entirely thanks to the many amazing people she met along the way that made this all possible and totally rad.
Where did the name “Lazy Eye” come from?
When the dream of opening a coffee shop started to become a little more real, Ashley was spending time with her two best friends, chatting over coffee, of course. Now, Rob and Sara aren’t just any best friends; they are the friends who know your dirtiest secrets, most embarrassing moments, and wildest dreams. They support you when you don’t even know you need support and push you over when you need to fall.
On one particularly magical day, in the excitement of imagination, a brainstorm for a fun, irreverent name began. Every whim was thrown out on the table, but most felt bland or overdone. Finally, Sara said, “Why don’t you name the coffee shop after me?” The response was, “What, call it Lazy Eye?” Now, since most of you don’t know Sara, you’ll need to know she has a lazy eye that is so imperceptible that you would never notice unless she told you. Naturally, our little trio burst into laughter, and it stuck.
Shout Outs!
A huge thanks to everyone who supports our little business!
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